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President's Ball

Mid-October, the social committee organizes the President's Ball.  The one time a year, the members of the association get out their best suits/tuxedo's and cocktail dresses/gowns and shine at a fabulous venue, enjoy spectacular food and live entertainment, to celebrate the accomplishments of the year with an awards presentation.
Each year the Kingston Home Builders Association is pleased to present the "Member of the Year" award to a deserving individual or firm within our local association for their efforts and achievements, aimed at the betterment of our industry as a whole, deserve to be recognized in a positive way. 
The President's Choice Award is also presented to an individual who has been the most help to the President during his term.

Honourary Lifetime Member may be award at the President's Ball. This award is open to all  members in good standing who have at least fifteen years involvement with the Kingston Home Builders' Association, who have contributed to the KHBA, the industry and our community (not related to the Housing Industry), and is also based on political and person attributes. This very prestigious award is not presented every year.
Guests witness the swearing in of KHBA's incoming executive who will be commencing their new term November 1st and welcome in the new term's President.
The President's Ball is the Kingston Home Builder Association's gala event of the year.  The social committee pull out all the stops to make this night a symbol of appreciation for the people who volunteer their time throughout the year.


 President's Ball Calendar Page